16 August 2008

Peggy's Cove and Lobster - Nova Scotia

Yes, they are clichés, but some things just have to be done! On a trip to Halifax you have to do the typical touristy things. If you go to Calgary, you need to eat Alberta beef and visit Banff, and when you go to Halifax you need to eat lobster and visit Peggy's Cove.

Luckily for us it was a glorious sunny day absent of tour buses. Peggy's Cove is smaller than a postage stamp, but it has an immense amount of charm and appeal. The surf is mesmerizing and wildly dangerous. Sitting on the granite rock formations and watching it is like being on another planet. There are a few kooky types around - the woman at the base of the lighthouse on her squeeze box and another welcoming you with bagpipes. The whole experience is somewhat surreal.

The drive back to Halifax included a wade into the Atlantic Ocean at a roadside beach. At 19 C it was practically tropical. After that, we picked up a couple of live lobster at the SuperStore and created a feast. A walk along the Halifax boardwalk under the full moon completed a superb day!

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