16 September 2009

Something About Flowers

This past week I took a short trip to Vancouver for a little break between my busy summer and upcoming busy fall schedules. I don't usually take my big camera on vacations, as it feels like I'm working, but I was hoping to capture some stock images as well as collect some new photos to use as teaching examples.

On one of my many walks I visited an inner city community garden. The sunflowers were in full bloom and the sky was a nice deep blue. The colour combination was just gorgeous. I know that flowers can seem like such common subjects, but I still love photographing them. They are easily accessible and naturally beautiful. Flowers make great cards and larger prints will brighten up any room.

The biggest challenge in photographing flowers is being able to capture and retain the full colour depth and saturation of the petals. This is best achieved by shooting in raw file format and post processing with those parameters in mind. In the shot above, the yellow was showing highlight clipping warnings. I had to use the recovery slider in Adobe Camera Raw to pull back the blown out areas in the red channel.

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