20 July 2009

More Natural Light Photography

What do you get when you take a trip to the garden and a nice day? More natural light photos. It's the time of year when things are peaking in the veggie patch. What a great opportunity to shoot fresh produce.

This is part of my ongoing series of photos on white back grounds. After washing most of the mud off the beets, I placed them on a piece of white foam core and shot them in natural light shade. No other lighting was used. I'm quite surprised at how nice the light is.

The raw photos were custom white balanced using my WhiBal, and close cut using a layer mask in Photoshop. Nothing else was done to the shots as I wanted them to look as natural as possible. I shot this single image of a beet, and also shot some in bunches. You can find the shots on my stock image archive on Photoshelter.

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