20 April 2009

279 Days to Overnight Success


Recent grads, and anyone who wants to create their own success should definitely read Chris Guillebeau's latest manifesto. Who is Chris Guillebeau you ask? He runs a great web site and blog called the Art of Non-Conformity and is all about making your own way in the world, especially if you don't quite fit in with the standard expectations of western society.

When reading 279 Days I felt like Chris was speaking directly to me. I am at a crossroads in my career and this manifesto has come to me at a perfect time and I am grateful for that. The design of this e-book makes the content very accessible. I’m a big believer in the value of good design. And with respect to the content, the specific information and resources are invaluable, as so many online freebies are full of self-marketing hooey.

If you like 279 Days, then you are sure to love A Brief Guide to World Domination.

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