15 April 2009

Best in Class

Every week in my ACAD Photographic Design** class this semester, students uploaded one photo to a website. The photo had nothing to do with any assignment, instead, it was something they thought was interesting from a compositional point of view, a new technique they were trying out, or a different subject matter they were researching. This gallery is a collection of the BEST of those photos. (Other work from these students may be viewed in this post from February.)

I have always encouraged picture making as opposed to picture taking. These 4th year students learned photography quickly as they all understood composition and colour really well. My job was to teach them how to use their cameras, how to "see" light, and how to post process raw images to make them "sing".

These students are all graduating soon from the VC Design program at the Alberta College of Art + Design. Their GDC Portfolio Show is April 23, 2009.

**Photographic Design is a course in digital photography for the designer with little or no experience in photography including photographic design fundamentals, optical visualization, photographic processes and workflows, and working with professional photographers.

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Olive Tree said...

Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!

Marlene Hielema said...

Thank you! Marlene